We’re working on something BIG. BigPxl’s new website is nearly here!

Aaron Kozak

Senior Google Ads Specialist

A.K.A. The NY Ranger

Aaron’s claim to fame is a run-in he had with Hillary Clinton. Literally. Once when they attended the same conference, Aaron had the misfortune of blocking Hillary in with his car. A woman on a mission, she rear ended him to get out and on her way. Today, Aaron is a Strategist with BigPxl, offering clients compassion, forward thinking and humor. Aaron is also fluent in speaking only in GIFs.

Aaron's Workiversary

April 5th

Aaron's Favorite Place to Eat

Fuji or really any hole in the wall/greasy spoon spots

Aaron's Guilty Pleasure

Food... literally any food. Also... Sylvester Stallone films.

About Aaron